

To hamomilaki - Save Our Children
noreply+feedproxy@google.com εκ μέρους To hamomilaki (hamomilaki@yahoo.gr
Παρασκευή, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2010 4:05:17 πμ
· ~** Σχολείο Κωφών και Βαρήκοων στο Δήμο Πεύκης
· Μαμά, τα έκανα... μούσκεμα
· Στον εισαγγελέα ο εκπαιδευτικός που συνελήφθη για κατοχή υλικού παιδικής πορνογραφίας
Σχολείο Κωφών και Βαρήκοων στο Δήμο Πεύκης
Posted: 21 Jan 2010 12:04 PM PST
Την παραχώρηση του 1ου Δημοτικού Σχολείου Πεύκης, στην οδό Πλάτωνος στο Σχολείο Κωφών και Βαρήκοων, αποφάσισε ομόφωνα το Δημοτικό Συμβούλιο της πόλης σε συνεδρίαση του.
Όπως τόνισε ο δήμαρχος Γιάννης Θεοδωρακόπουλος με τον τρόπο αυτό ο Δήμος Πεύκης θα δώσει λύση σε ένα πρόβλημα που δεν φρόντισαν να επιλύσουν οι αρμόδιοι, δηλώνοντας ευτυχής που η πόλη μπορεί να δεχτεί τα παιδιά αυτά.
Μετά δε από αίτημα και πολλών μελών του δημοτικού συμβουλίου, συμφωνήθηκε στην απόφαση να συμπεριλαμβάνει και το χρονικό διάστημα της παραχώρησης, το οποίο θα είναι δύο συν ένα χρόνια.
από i-diadromi
Μαμά, τα έκανα... μούσκεμα
Posted: 21 Jan 2010 10:08 AM PST

Είναι πια αρκετά μεγάλο για να βρέχει το κρεβάτι του. Γιατί τότε εξακολουθεί να το κάνει; Το παιδί σας μπορεί να ξεπεράσει τη νυχτερινή ενούρηση οριστικά και γρήγορα αν έχει την αγάπη σας, την ψυχολογική στήριξη, αλλά και τη βοήθεια της επιστήμης.
«Ο γιος μου είναι 5,5 χρόνων κι ακόμα δεν έχει καταφέρει να μένει στεγνός τη νύχτα. Ο μόνος τρόπος για να σηκωθεί στεγνός το πρωί είναι να φροντίσω εγώ να τον σηκώσω δύο φορές και μάλιστα την κατάλληλη ώρα», μας λέει η Χριστίνα, μητέρα του Πέτρου. «Συνήθως περιμένω να τον πάρει ο ύπνος για να του φορέσω πάνα, γιατί νιώθει ότι είναι πολύ μεγάλος για να τη φοράει ακόμη. Του έχουμε κάνει πολλές φορές υπέρηχο νεφρών και εξετάσεις για ουρολοίμωξη, αλλά δεν δείχνουν κάτι». Όπως είναι φυσικό, η Χριστίνα αγχώνεται και ανησυχεί. Θα καταφέρει ο γιος της να ξεπεράσει αυτή τη φάση και να «μεγαλώσει» σε αυτό τον τομέα όπως τα άλλα παιδιά της ηλικίας του;
Η περίπτωση του Πέτρου όμως δεν είναι η μοναδική. Αυτό που του συμβαίνει ονομάζεται «νυχτερινή ενούρηση» και αφορά περίπου 60.000 παιδιά στην Ελλάδα. Μέχρι την ηλικία των πέντε ετών είναι φυσιολογικό το παιδί να «βρέχει» το κρεβάτι του τα βράδια. Στη συνέχεια, η νυχτερινή ενούρηση μειώνεται με ρυθμό 15% κάθε χρόνο. Για να πούμε ότι υπάρχει πρόβλημα, θα πρέπει αυτή η κατάσταση να συνεχίζεται κάθε βράδυ (ή σχεδόν κάθε βράδυ) αφού το παιδί περάσει τα πέντε του χρόνια και εφόσον δεν έμεινε στεγνό για διάστημα μεγαλύτερο των έξι μηνών. Τότε θεωρείται ότι πάσχει από «νυχτερινή ενούρηση», δηλαδή από ακούσια απώλεια ούρων κατά τη διάρκεια του ύπνου. Ωστόσο, αυτό είναι κάτι που δεν θα πρέπει να σας ανησυχεί ιδιαίτερα, αρκεί να δείξετε προσοχή τόσο εσείς όσο και ο παιδίατρος.
Ένα ενουρητικό παιδί είναι –συνήθως– ένα υγιές παιδί και το πιο πιθανό είναι η ενούρηση να οφείλεται στην αργή ωρίμανση ενός αδένα που ονομάζεται υπόφυση. Δεν είναι επίσης σπάνιο το φαινόμενο τα παιδιά να εμφανίζουν απώλεια ούρων τη νύχτα όταν βρίσκονται υπό ψυχολογικό στρες και –λιγότερο συχνά– όταν έχουν κάποια λοίμωξη στο ουροποιητικό σύστημα.
Οι πιο συχνές αιτίες
Η νυχτερινή ενούρηση διακρίνεται σε πρωτοπαθή και δευτεροπαθή. Η πρωτοπαθής αναφέρεται σε παιδιά που δεν έχουν καταφέρει να ελέγξουν την απώλεια ούρων όταν κοιμούνται. Η δευτεροπαθής αναφέρεται σε παιδιά που πριν την εμφάνισή της έχουν παραμείνει στεγνά το βράδυ για διάστημα μεγαλύτερο των έξι μηνών. Αυτό πρακτικά σημαίνει ότι υπάρχουν παιδιά που «βρέχονται» από τότε που γεννήθηκαν, χωρίς να έχουν καταφέρει έστω και για λίγες μέρες να αποκτήσουν τον έλεγχο της ουροδόχου κύστης τους, και άλλα στα οποία το πρόβλημα εμφανίζεται ξαφνικά. Αυτή η δεύτερη περίπτωση εκδηλώνεται κυρίως στην πρώτη σχολική ηλικία. Τα αίτια είναι συνήθως ψυχολογικά, όπως, για παράδειγμα, η ζήλια για τη γέννηση ενός άλλου παιδιού, η απώλεια κάποιου αγαπημένου προσώπου, το άγχος και η στεναχώρια που προκαλεί ένα διαζύγιο, οι συχνοί καβγάδες στην οικογένεια, η έναρξη του σχολείου, καθώς και η αλλαγή σπιτιού.
Τα αίτια της πρωτοπαθούς νυχτερινής ενούρησης δεν είναι επακριβώς γνωστά. Στις περισσότερες περιπτώσεις οφείλεται σε καθυστέρηση της ωρίμανσης της υπόφυσης, με αποτέλεσμα την υπερπαραγωγή ούρων κατά τη διάρκεια της νύχτας (λόγω προσωρινής έλλειψης της αντιδιουρητικής ορμόνης που παράγεται από αυτήν), ή σε μικρή χωρητικότητα της ουροδόχου κύστης. Η ορμόνη αυτή, η βαζοπρεσσίνη, έχει τη δυνατότητα να μειώνει την παραγωγή ούρων και εκκρίνεται σε μεγαλύτερη ποσότητα κατά τη διάρκεια της νύχτας. Στα παιδιά που πάσχουν από πρωτοπαθή νυχτερινή ενούρηση παράγεται σε μικρότερες ποσότητες. Αυτό έχει ως αποτέλεσμα να παράγουν πολλά ούρα τη νύχτα, που υπερβαίνουν τη χωρητικότητα της κύστης τους, η οποία «ξεχειλίζει» κι έτσι βρέχονται στον ύπνο τους.
Μερικές φορές, η ξαφνική νυχτερινή απώλεια ούρων σε παιδιά σχολικής ή προσχολικής ηλικίας μπορεί να είναι το καμπανάκι που προειδοποιεί για κάποιο σοβαρότερο πρόβλημα, όπως, π.χ., για την εμφάνιση υποτροπιάζουσας ουρολοίμωξης ή ακόμα (σε συνδυασμό με κάποια άλλα συμπτώματα, όπως έντονη δίψα, απώλεια βάρους κ.ά.) για σακχαρώδη διαβήτη. Είναι όμως φανερό ότι σε αυτές τις περιπτώσεις δεν είναι η νυχτερινή ενούρηση το πρόβλημα που απασχολεί παιδιάτρους και γονείς, αλλά πολύ σοβαρότερα προβλήματα υγείας.
Πίσω από την πρωτοπαθή ενούρηση, επίσης, μπορεί να κρύβεται και κληρονομική προδιάθεση. Σύμφωνα με στατιστικά στοιχεία, τρία στα τέσσερα παιδιά των οποίων και οι δυο γονείς είχαν παρουσιάσει νυχτερινή ενούρηση αντιμετωπίζουν ανάλογο πρόβλημα και περίπου τα μισά από τα παιδιά που «βρέχουν» το κρεβάτι τους έχουν τουλάχιστον ένα γονιό που έκανε το ίδιο. Μάλιστα, έχει παρατηρηθεί ότι τα παιδιά σταματούν τη νυχτερινή ενούρηση στην ίδια ηλικία με τους γονείς τους ή λίγο νωρίτερα.
Η διάγνωση θα επιβεβαιωθεί από τον παιδίατρο με το αναλυτικό ιστορικό και με κάποιες εξετάσεις. Ένα εργαλείο που θα βοηθήσει τον ειδικό να εξακριβώσει τον τύπο της διαταραχής και τα πιθανά αίτιά της είναι το «ημερολόγιο», ένα σημειωματάριο όπου θα καταγράφετε λεπτομερώς κάθε πότε πίνει υγρά το παιδί και κάθε πότε ουρεί. Με τη βοήθειά του ο γιατρός, σε μια προσπάθεια να διαμορφωθούν νέες συνήθειες, θα δώσει οδηγίες για το πότε το παιδί πρέπει να πίνει υγρά και πότε πρέπει να πηγαίνει στην τουαλέτα.
Τι να κάνω;
Η αντιμετώπιση της παιδικής νυχτερινής ενούρησης περιλαμβάνει τόσο μεθόδους που ενθαρρύνουν την αλλαγή συμπεριφορών όσο και ειδικά φάρμακα. Μερικές από τις κλασικές μεθόδους πρόληψης των «νυχτερινών ατυχημάτων» είναι:
· Ο περιορισμός των υγρών που καταναλώνει το παιδί πριν φτάσει η ώρα να πέσει για ύπνο
· Η ενθάρρυνση για πλήρη κένωση της κύστης λίγο πριν κοιμηθεί.
· Η καταγραφή των συνηθειών του τη νύχτα, ώστε να προλαβαίνετε να το σηκώνετε έγκαιρα για να πάει στην τουαλέτα.
· Η αποφυγή οποιασδήποτε τιμωρίας σχετίζεται με το πρόβλημα.
· Η επιβράβευση όσες νύχτες το κρεβάτι μένει στεγνό.
Μην το αγχώνετε
Η νυχτερινή ενούρηση δεν είναι αρρώστια. Είναι μια ενοχλητική πάθηση που θα πρέπει να αντιμετωπιστεί με ψυχραιμία, όσο το δυνατόν πιο νωρίς –πριν συμπληρώσει το παιδί τα έξι του χρόνια– ώστε να μην επιβαρυνθεί το ίδιο ψυχολογικά. Τα παιδιά που βρέχονται στον ύπνο τους νιώθουν ντροπή, άγχος, ανασφάλεια και πολλές φορές φόβο απέναντι στους γονείς. Γι’ αυτό, δεν πρέπει ποτέ να το τιμωρείτε ή να το μαλώνετε. Εξηγήστε του ότι δεν φταίει, ότι κι άλλοι συνομήλικοί του αντιμετωπίζουν το ίδιο πρόβλημα κι ότι με τις κατάλληλες κινήσεις γρήγορα θα αποκτήσει τον έλεγχο. Προσπαθήστε να μπείτε στη θέση του και να καταλάβετε αυτό που αισθάνεται. Φροντίστε να το καθησυχάσετε, να το στηρίξετε και να το ενισχύσετε. Μην επιτρέψετε να το κοροϊδεύουν τα άλλα μέλη της οικογένειας και ιδιαίτερα τα αδέρφια του. Αντίθετα, είναι καλό να το επαινείτε για κάθε στεγνή νύχτα. Έτσι, το βοηθάτε να καλλιεργήσει την αυτοπεποίθησή του και να αποκτήσει θάρρος.
Τελικά εκεί βρίσκεται και το μεγάλο ζήτημα στη νυχτερινή ενούρηση: Είναι μια πάθηση που υπονομεύει την αυτοεκτίμηση του παιδιού και το κάνει να αισθάνεται αποκομμένο, απομονωμένο και «διαφορετικό» από τους φίλους του, από την τάξη του ακόμα και από την οικογένειά του. Η αποκατάσταση της υγείας του θα επαναφέρει την αυτοεκτίμησή του σε υψηλότερα επίπεδα ακόμα και σε σχέση με εκείνα των συνομηλίκων του που ποτέ δεν βράχηκαν τη νύχτα.
Πού μπορεί να οφείλεται η νυχτερινή ενούρηση
· Μειωμένη έκκριση της αντιδιουρητικής ορμόνης.
· Μικρό μέγεθος της ουροδόχου κύστης.
· Βαρύς ύπνος.
· Αίσθημα ζήλιας προς μικρότερο αδερφάκι.
· Ανασφάλεια, αδικαιολόγητο άγχος.
· Προβλήματα επικοινωνίας και καβγάδες ανάμεσα στα μέλη της οικογένειας.
· Φοβίες (ζώα, φαντάσματα, κεραυνοί, θάνατος).
Στον εισαγγελέα ο εκπαιδευτικός που συνελήφθη για κατοχή υλικού παιδικής πορνογραφίας
Posted: 21 Jan 2010 09:41 AM PST
(ANA) – 3 ώρες πριν
Στον εισαγγελέα οδηγήθηκε ο 40χρονος καθηγητής γυμνασίου, που συνελήφθη χθες στη Θεσσαλονίκη για κατοχή υλικού παιδικής πορνογραφίας. Σε βάρος του ασκήθηκε ποινική δίωξη για κατοχή υλικού παιδικής πορνογραφίας σε βαθμό κακουργήματος και παραπέμφθηκε να απολογηθεί σε ανακριτή.
Ύστερα από έρευνα και ανάλυση ηλεκτρονικών αποτυπωμάτων από αστυνομικούς του τμήματος Δίωξης Ηλεκτρονικού Εγκλήματος της Διεύθυνσης Ασφάλειας, στο σπίτι του καθηγητή, στον Αγιο Παύλο Θεσσαλονίκης, βρέθηκαν περισσότερα από 3.000 αρχεία με άσεμνο υλικό, που ήταν αποθηκευμένα σε 42 οπτικούς δίσκους, 5 σκληρούς δίσκους κι έναν ηλεκτρονικό υπολογιστή.
Το υπουργείο Παιδείας, σε ανακοίνωσή του αναφέρει ότι δόθηκε εντολή στον αρμόδιο Περιφερειακό Διευθυντή Εκπαίδευσης να κινήσει άμεσα τη διαδικασία Ένορκης Διοικητικής Εξέτασης (ΕΔΕ). Καθ’ όλη τη διάρκεια της ΕΔΕ και έως ότου διαλευκανθεί η υπόθεση ο εν λόγω εκπαιδευτικός δεν θα διδάσκει στο σχολείο του.
** [capitalistsforever] LICENSE, FAKELAKI, AND GREGORY
toparb (toparb@yahoo.com)
Παρασκευή, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2010 10:05:40 πμ

Venitist Jerry Salcido asserts that as liberty lovers we must see licensure for what it is: an immoral exercise of force and an overly burdensome restraint on trade. Licensure, plain and simple, is a violation of the right to liberty. Ludwig von Mises recognized that government is a guarantor of liberty and is compatible with liberty only if its range is adequately restricted to the preservation of what is called economic freedom. One of the many reasons why government licensure is incompatible with liberty, therefore, is because it is destructive of economic freedom. By natural right, and as recognized in a free market economy, anyone can pursue any means of providing for himself so long as in doing so he does not act fraudulently or otherwise violate the rights of others. The state mandated license turns the free market upside down. It prohibits everyone from producing in a given industry except for those who are granted the privilege of doing so by the state. The state, in such a scenario, absorbs all individual rights unto itself and then divvies up some of those rights in any number of ways, ranging from the granting of only one license to one individual or firm (monopoly) to granting a number of licenses to multiple individuals or firms (quasi-monopoly). Salcido points out that under a licensing system, such as we have today, if someone attempts to exercise his natural right to provide for himself without the state's nod of approval, that person goes to jail. Imprisonment for supporting oneself in an honest and non-fraudulent manner which does not infringe on the rights of others just doesn't seem right does it? The state and its advocates (statists) reason that such grants of monopoly are justified on the grounds that the state is protecting the health and safety of the consumer. After all, it is the state's responsibility to protect the consumer against fraud such as persons feigning to have credentials and abilities which they do not. Salcido notes this reasoning, however, while at first glance seems sound, is based on two false premises. * First, it presumes that the market is incapable of establishing the needed producers. The statists believe that only the government can determine the proper criteria for what constitutes a producer who has the consumer's best interest in mind. Under this belief system, the state is best equipped to determine what factors and characteristics the market requires in a barber, a contractor, a psychologist, and various other service oriented occupations. History alone, however, has shown that it is the market that is the great regulator of producers and protector of consumers. It is the market that constantly shifts and changes to supply consumers with what they demand and persuades producers to cater to consumers or go out of business. * Second, it protects rights through preemptive state action. Although protection is a proper role of government, that role becomes active only upon the violation of a right. Preemptive protection is offensive in nature, and therefore, is itself a violation of natural rights. In a free society, therefore, it is only after fraud or another violation of rights takes place that the state has the right to intervene on behalf of the consumer. Salcido asserts that licensure also makes bad economics. In the first place it limits the supply of labor in spite of demand, thus creating shortages in some cases and a skewed pricing system in others. If the labor market were unfettered, the consumer would be guaranteed the most accurate prices and the availability of the highest and most efficient quality. With a defined labor market under a licensing system the consumer is paying a monopoly or quasi-monopoly price, not a free market price. In other words, the price is not accurate, and in most cases, it is inflated. Just take a look at the monopoly granted by professional licenses, such as medical and legal licenses. Certainly licensure is a causative factor in the outrageous prices charged by those professions. Further, in a cost-benefit analysis of licensure, the scales certainly tip toward disadvantageous results. The only sure benefactor of licensure is the state, which benefits through the increase in its own power. The licensees also derive some benefit from the licensure system through their grant of monopoly or quasi-monopoly privilege which permits them to unfairly secure a market share without having to deal with the competitive forces present in a free market. Unlicensed competitors, on the other hand, suffer because they are denied the ability to produce for or sell to the state-created monopolized market, thereby limiting their profit potential. Even the license fee itself can be cost prohibitory causing the unlicensed competitors with little capital to stay out of the market altogether. Licensure also hurts the consumer because he is denied the opportunity and the right to purchase from producers who he might otherwise prefer. Through licensing the state has essentially told the consumer that what he thinks is irrelevant because the state has established itself as the omniscient and omnipresent consumer -- the ultimate consumer. By commanding that the individual obtain a license from the state before producing in the desired industry, the state would have us believe that it, not the many millions of individual consumers in the market, is in the best position to know what you and I want and need. Additionally, from a purely logical stand, the statists' sustaining of the licensure system is unfeasible, because economically it is the same as bribing government officials, which is an illegal act. Bribery of a government official is merely a price for the payment of a service, the service being the failure to enforce the government edict as it applies to the particular person paying the bribe. Thus, when a government official accepts a bribe, he grants the briber informal permission to engage in business which the briber is otherwise prohibited from doing, but which the briber would be able to do in a free market. In this sense, the acceptance of a bribe is identical with the sale of a government license to engage in a business or occupation. The statists would certainly condemn bribery of government officials, yet they advocate its logical equivalent, licensure. Licensing (and bribes for that matter) also fails the logic test because it simply creates an unnecessary interruption in the free market and then tries to move the market back in the direction of a free market. It is like digging a hole just to fill it half way back up. The state says no one can work in Industry X but then schizophrenically declares that "to whom I grant a license can work in Industry X." What the? Salcido asserts we should cut out the middle man (license). Through licensure the government does nothing other than disrupt the natural process of mutually beneficial exchange, but in doing so hurts the consumer and competitor and makes the overall economy less efficient. Basil Venitis points out licensure is very prevalent in Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth. Licensure brought fakelaki and Gregory! Greeks, robbed at gunpoint by Graecokleptocrats, survive by schemes, fraud, sinecures, and mugging each other. Tax evaders and law breakers receive visits from officials eager to collect kickbacks. In return for leaving the guilty untouched, officials receive fakelaki, envelope containing bribe in cash. The standard rate for kickbacks is 10% of the forfeited penalty. Desperate Greeks now pray for a new dictatorship! Allons enfants de la Grece!Venitis points out Gregory means fast in Greek. Gregory's tax is fakelaki for fast service. Without it, you will wait for ever! All Athenians know very well that without Gregory they will have to wait many months before a state physician could see them. If you want a surgery, you will have to give the state surgeon at least 5,000 euros kickback, that beloved Gregory! The surgeon would ask you how is Gregory. If you do not present Gregory, you will have to come back months later to answer the same question. If Gregory is not fat enough, the surgeon might pseudoforget his scissors inside you! Allons enfants de la Grece!
~** Ο Nikolakis Lezas έστειλε μήνυμα στα μέλη του ORIENTAL...tsiftetelia LEZASSSSSSSSS. Θέμα: oooooooo soultannnnnnn LIVEEEEEEEE :P :P "SIMERA I MEGALI MERA.....ME LIVE LEZA KAPSALAKI VASSILAKI KAI DJ KOSTA STA MOUSIKA DIALEIMATA STO SYMVOLO CLUB !!!!PERIKLEOUS KAI ARTEMIDOS 23 AGIO IEROTHEO,,,,,meta tin vega ,,,,SAS PERIMENOUME OLOUS GIA ENA MOUSIKO PARTY ME XORO KAI TRAGOUDI MONO OPOS EMEIS KSEROUME....I VRADIA THA IXOGRAFITHEI KAI THA DOTHOUN CD......!!!!!!" Για να απαντήσετε σε αυτό το μήνυμα, ακολουθήστε τον παρακάτω σύνδεσμο:http://www.facebook.com/n/?inbox%2Freadmessage.php&t=1345773526673&mid=1c356d5G3dd6e022Gf3506fG0 .-
hrh.david (hrh.david@yahoo.com)
Παρασκευή, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2010 9:06:04 πμ
Venitist Ilya Shapiro points out the Supreme Court has just struck a major blow for free speech by correctly holding that government cannot try to level the political playing field by banning corporations from making independent campaign expenditures on films, books, or even campaign signs. While the Court has long upheld campaign finance regulations as a way to prevent corruption in elections, it has also repeated that equalizing speech is never a valid government interest. Basil Venitis asserts that death is the only equalizer. Egalitarianism brings death to society, transforming citizens to zombies. Governments should not own or regulate any property, including waves. The first individual who improves or cultivates any unclaimed property is entitled to that property. Governments cannot own, allocate, regulate, or manipulate frequency fields and media. Eminent domain is null and void.After all, to make campaign spending equal, the government would have to prevent some people or groups from spending less than they wished. That is directly contrary to protecting speech from government restraint, which is ultimately the heart of American conceptions about the freedom of speech.Shapiro notes that no case demonstrates this idea better than Citizens United, where a nonprofit corporation made no donations to candidates but rather spent money to spread its ideas about Hillary Clinton independent of the campaigns of primary opponent Barack Obama, potential general election opponent John McCain, or any other candidates. Where is the corruption if the campaigns being supported have no knowledge, let alone control over what independent actors do? -- be they one person, two people, or a large group? Today's ruling may well lead to more corporate and union election spending, but none of this money will go directly to candidates -- so there is no possible corruption or even appearance of corruption. It will go instead to spreading information about candidates and issues. Such increases in spending should be welcome because studies have shown that more spending — more political communication — leads to better-informed voters. In short, the Citizens United decision has strengthened both the First Amendment and American democracy.Basil Venitis asserts that your soul needs to resonate with mighty words and unique acts that express your style and destiny. Your government cannot dictate your language, your words, and your culture. Resonate now and sing your song! You own your body and your soul, and nobody should dictate what you take in and what you take out. Speech, education, heresy, habeas corpus, military service, mating, healthcare, abortion, cloning, drugs, guns, and euthanasia should be personal choices.
~** [eurofreedom] BANK ROBBERS
anglograeco (anglograeco@yahoo.com)
Παρασκευή, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2010 7:45:13 πμ
When President Obama announced the details of his Administration's plan to tax financial institutions, he said, We want our money back, and we are going to get it. However, he doesn't seem to care who pays the money back, as most of the firms who would be forced to pay the fee either paid the money back with interest, took TARP money under duress only because the Treasury told them that they had to, or never took any money in the first place. The companies that have caused most of the TARP losses so far, GM and Chrysler, are exempt.Basil Venitis asserts that taxation is armed robbery that feeds the black hole of political corruption; it's the perfect index of corruption and tyranny. Only evil governments tax citizens and companies. For each percent of lower taxes, the economy grows by at least four percent more, and the government gets more revenue. Raising tax rates is masochism. Smart stimulus is to cut tax rates. Stupidus stimulus is to increase spending, which stimulates the cancer of socialism!The most efficient political system is venitism, where everything is private, there are no taxes at all, there is no parliament, and a powerless infinitesimal government is chosen and supported not by hoi polloi, but by the most generous benefactors. Only governments can cause economic depressions and funny money. Lower tax rates, a reduction in the burden of government, and elimination of kleptocracy and VAT are the only way to boost growth. The only purpose of government is to protect citizens from criminals. Public services, central banks, and fiat money should be abolished.Venitist David John points out the White House needs a villain to blame for the nation's continuing economic woes, and Treasury desperately needs revenue to reduce the massive deficits caused by the Obama Administration's spending policies. If the Administration wanted to be candid about their reasoning for placing a fee on big banks, they would quote famed bank robber Willie Sutton, who, when asked why he robbed banks, purportedly answered, Because that's where the money is.Taxpayers can be justifiably angry with financial institutions that took huge amounts of taxpayer dollars and are paying huge bonuses for some of the very behavior that contributed to the 2008 financial crisis. However, this new tax has nothing to do with that situation, and its enactment would not discourage such bonuses in the future. Nor would it change the way that financial institutions operate.As announced, the new bank fee would apply to all financial institutions with more than $50 billion in assets. This includes about 50 firms that either own insured depository institutions or are broker-dealers. About half are banks, with the rest being insurance companies and other types of financial institutions. About 10-15 are U.S. subsidiaries of foreign firms, the rest being domestic financial institutions.Each affected financial institution would pay an annual fee equal to 0.15 percent of its liabilities. This would be calculated by taking the firm's total assets and subtracting both its Tier 1 capital and any deposits that are insured by the FDIC. Thus, firms that have high levels of insured deposits, such as those with extensive bank branch networks, would pay less than those that rely largely upon borrowed money and other assets. About 60 percent of the revenue from the fee is expected to come from the 10 largest financial institutions.The tax, according to the Administration, would last until the costs of TARP are paid for. This would translate into about $90 billion over the next 10 years. What Is Wrong with the Proposed Fee? David John points out that although the Treasury Department claims that the new Financial Crisis Responsibility Fee is intended to recapture losses from the TARP bailout fund, the reality is very different:* First, with one exception, the tax does not apply to the entities that caused TARP's losses. As of September 30, 2009, TARP lost money on its bailout of AIG, auto companies GM and Chrysler, and the Administration's program to help people refinance mortgages. TARP's other programs actually showed a small profit. It is possible that other TARP programs aimed at the financial sector will sustain losses in the future, but that is far from certain. Congress is certainly not going to make those individuals who benefitted from the mortgage refinancing plan repay the losses of that program. The fee would not apply to Chrysler or GM, either. The only entity that caused a loss that will be taxed is AIG, but the fee would just make it harder for the firm to repay its bailout. Taxpayers get no benefit from AIG being taxed. * Second, the new tax is not designed just to recapture some of the profits that financial institutions made last year. Since it is styled as a fee, it would apply to both profitable and unprofitable financial institutions. This structure would make it even harder for undercapitalized financial institutions to rebuild their financial strength and increase the risk of failure if the economy goes back into recession. * Third, the new tax would be on top of both (1) another proposed new fee that would apply to roughly the same group of financial institutions, and (2) the corporate income taxes that they already pay. The financial regulatory bill passed by the House late last year includes a new FDIC-type assessment that is supposed to pre-fund a new pool of money designed to pay for future systemic problems among large financial institutions. * Fourth, the fee is not structured in a way that would reduce irresponsible risk taking. Although the cost will be highest on firms that use riskier ways to finance their operations, the 0.15 percent level is not high enough to discourage them from doing so. Instead, this is much more a case of Washington seeking a cut of the action. Fifth, despite claims that the tax would be collected only until TARP deficits are paid for (about 10 years), history suggests that the fee will become a permanent tax upon large financial institutions. Because That's Where the Money Is!When Congress passed the TARP bill in 2008, it required the Treasury to find a way to recoup any losses by 2013. The time lag was designed to allow Treasury the opportunity to see how the program had performed and to assess those who caused the losses. While the Obama Administration claims that it is fulfilling this requirement three years early, it is really just seeking a new revenue source to try to pay for some of the massive deficits caused by their spending programs.On balance, the new fee bears a striking resemblance to the old motivational technique that called for the beatings to continue until the morale improves. While Administration officials urge banks and other firms to start lending again, the new tax (for it is a tax regardless of whether it is called a "fee" or something else) would discourage them from taking risks. The "fee" would apply regardless of a firm's profitability and would make it even harder for firms recovering from last year's losses to rebuild the capital needed to back up lending.This is the wrong approach to reducing the swollen deficit and would inevitably cause more problems than it solves. It is a bad idea being used to score political points and should be dropped. Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, asserts that when an economy suffers from erectile dysfunction, via-grab does not work, but only via-cut. The via recommended is to cut taxes, not grab more taxes. There are limits to how much government can tax before it kills the host. Even worse, when government attempts to subsidize prices, it has the net effect of inflating them instead. The economic reality is that you cannot distort natural market pressures without unintended consequences. Market forces would drive prices down. Government meddling negates these pressures, adds regulatory compliance costs and layers of bureaucracy, and in the end, drives prices up. It's your venitist duty to avoid and evade taxes all the way! Venitis points out that tax competition between jurisdictions holds down the cancer of government, and all people experience more opportunities and more wealth. If businesses and individuals are discouraged from investing outside their own jurisdictions, they will simply choose to work less and take no major business risks. All antivenitist governments are corrupt, and without the last bastions of freedom, aka taxhavens, enforcing financial privacy, citizens would have no place to protect their financial assets from kleptocrats, kidnappers, extortionists, blackmailers, and thugs. Evade taxes now as much as you can! Allons enfants de la Patrie!
capitalismos (capitalismos@yahoo.com)

Παρασκευή, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2010 6:47:06 πμ
Venitist Curtis Dubay points out there is a growing call by backers of bigger government for Congress to impose a value-added tax(VAT) on top of all the other taxes Americans already pay. A VAT is similar to a national retail sales tax but is collected at every stage of business production until its entire burden ultimately falls on the consumer.Basil Venitis asserts that VAT is a trademark of slavery and a destruction power of myriad watts. VAT is the main culprit of the Fourthreichian financial meltdown. The Fourthreichian taxation is based on the VAT monstrosity against poor people! The most unfair tax is VAT, the calamity of Fourth Reich(EU); that's why Vatbuster Venitis urges all Fourthreichians to evade this tax of misery as much as possible! Fourthreichians are yoked with a 15-25% VAT, value added tax. In Canada, VAT is only 5%. The burden of VAT falls on final consumers of products. Venitis notes VAT, aka kleptocrat's grab, is a regressive tax; the poor pay higher percentage of their income. Revenues from VAT are much lower than expected, because they are difficult and costly to administer and collect. Since any double-digit VAT leads many venitists to underground economy, most vatstruck Fourthreichians evade VAT! As a matter of fact, if you are a real patriot, you should boycott shops that charge VAT! VAT is the cacothanasia of Fourth Reich!Among its suggested advantages, proponents argue a VAT would be an easy fix for the deficit because it would be difficult to evade relative to the income tax. Evidence from countries with VATs suggests otherwise. If Congress implements a VAT as an additional tax, businesses and individuals would try to avoid it through fraud, severely limiting a VAT's ability to close budget gaps.VATs are common in other countries, especially in the European Union (EU). Dubay notes that despite the perception that VATs are difficult to evade, data show that fraud to avoid the VAT is widespread in the EU. In fact, the fraud is causing revenue shortfalls large enough that many EU countries are scrambling to prevent the abuse.Under the most common form of the VAT, the credit-invoice method, businesses pay the tax on their purchases and collect it on their sales. After deducting the taxes they paid on purchases from the amounts they collected on sales, businesses remit the difference to the government.This system is supposed to ensure that every business in the supply chain pays the correct amount of tax. For instance, if a business undercharges the VAT to the next company in the production chain, the second company has to pay a higher VAT to the government. The total amount of tax collected by the government remains the same regardless of which company pays it. Therefore, each business has an incentive to make sure the other businesses it deals with are in compliance so they do not pay a bigger share of the tax than required.Dubay shows that fraud persists with the VAT mostly in four forms:1. False Claims of Taxes Paid. Businesses create false invoices for the purchase of inputs they never bought and get bigger deductions for taxes paid than they are entitled to.2. Credit Claimed for Non-Creditable Purchases. Typically, VATs have a variety of rates and exemptions. For example, basic needs such as food, medicine, and clothing often receive preferential VAT rates or outright exemptions from the tax, as do certain industries considered economically vital or politically sensitive.Businesses that sell both VAT-exempt and non-exempt items have an incentive to allocate the purchase of supplies they use to produce exempt items toward the production of non-exempt items. This improper shifting increases the business's tax refund because it allows them to claim deductions on their tax returns for the taxes paid on inputs where there should be none. This fraud is common because it is difficult for authorities to prove which supplies the business used to produce the different products.3. Bogus Traders. Businesses are set up exclusively to produce VAT invoices so other businesses can claim refunds on taxes they never paid.4. Hidden Sales. Professional service providers, such as doctors and lawyers, often engage in this kind of fraud. They offer relatively high-value services, but their purchases from other businesses are relatively low cost. They charge their unknowing customers full price and collect the proper amount of VAT on the sale. But to the authorities, they show that they charged a lower price. The service provider forwards to the government less tax than it collected from its customers and pockets the difference.It is always hard for tax authorities to determine the actual sales of an intangible good like a service. Many state and local governments in the United States often forego levying sales tax on most services because of this difficulty. Moreover, service providers and individuals can circumvent the tax by agreeing to use cash or barter transactions. This avoids a paper trail altogether and makes it nearly impossible for authorities to prove abuse.A recent study estimates that VAT fraud in the EU creates annual revenue shortfalls as high as 30 percent of potential tax collections in some countries. Shortfalls average 12 percent for all countries in the EU. In comparison, the U.S. Department of Treasury estimated the net tax gap for all taxes in 2005 (the latest available data) stood just under 12 percent of potential receipts.The study also shows it takes years for countries to get up to speed enforcing the VAT. So the U.S. could reasonably expect shortfalls in this range, especially during the early stages of implementing a VAT.Some suggest a VAT rate of 20 percent for the U.S. At this rate, it would have raised $1.26 trillion based on the size of the economy in 2008, a 50 percent tax increase for that year. Based on the data from EU countries and the size of the economy in 2008, the U.S. would likely have had a VAT receipts gap of between $156 billion (if its enforcement efforts were exemplary and it limited the tax gap to the EU average) and $390 billion (if they were not). This figure would grow in future years as the economy expands.Annual shortfalls of these magnitudes would prevent a VAT from eliminating the deficit and lowering the debt. If it passed a VAT, Congress would undoubtedly budget based on the expectation of receiving all the revenue it anticipates the tax raising. When the revenue comes in short, as it surely would, the deficit would increase by the amount of the gap, and a substantial deficit would persist.Dubay asserts that a VAT would fail to close the exploding deficits forecast for future years as businesses would engage in all kinds of fraud to avoid paying the VAT. The deficits that remain year after year would lead to continuous calls for even higher taxes, which would lead to more fraud and bigger deficits. Congress should end this cycle by simply restraining spending to historical levels and scrapping higher taxes, including the VAT.
~** Tune in for Haiti on Friday night!
Causes (apps+ys==02sy@facebookappmail.com)
Παρασκευή, 22 Ιανουαρίου 2010 5:38:20 πμ
Stamatios Skoulikas (stamoskal@windowslive.com)
Help Haiti Now !!! Bulletin
Posted by Friends of the World Food Program
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This Friday, January 22, an all-star lineup will join forces for “Hope for Haiti Now: A Global Benefit for Earthquake Relief.” More than 100 of the biggest names in film, television and music will make an appearance, including George Clooney, Wyclef Jean, Christina Aguilera, Coldplay, Bono, Justin Timberlake and many more. The two-hour telethon will air on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CNN, BET, The CW, HBO, MTV, VH1 and CMT on Friday at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT and 7:00 p.m. CT.
Proceeds from the telethon will be split evenly between The Clinton Bush Haiti Fund, Oxfam America, Partners in Health, the Red Cross, UNICEF, Yele Haiti Foundation and the United Nations World Food Program.
Please tune in, tell your friends and family to watch, and be part of the most widely distributed telethon in history!
Thanks again for all of your support – so far, you have helped us raise more than $11,000 for Haiti earthquake relief through Facebook Causes alone!
-Friends of the World Food Program
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