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~**[capitalismos] JUNKET TO ADDIS ABABA Εισερχόμενα X
capitalismos προς capitalismos
προβολή λεπτομερειών 4:53 μ.μ. (Πριν από 19 ώρες)
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Προβολή εικόνων παρακάτω - Να γίνεται πάντοτε προβολή εικόνων από τον χρήστη capitalismos@yahoo.com
On June 8, Durao Barroso, President of the European Commission, aka Eldorado of Corruption, will lead a delegation of 10 Commissioners for a junket to Addis Ababa with the Commission of the African Union. It will be an opportunity to enhance institutional cooperation between the two organizations and to give fresh impetus to the implementation of the Africa-Fourth Reich Strategy and its 2008-2010 Action Plan. The two sides will also work on a forward looking agenda for the relations between the two continents in the run-up to the third Africa-Fourth Reich Summit, which will adopt the next Action Plan for 2011-2013.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. For example, a Eurokeptocrat might travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure. Venitists target certain Eurokleptocrats for taking frequent junkets, reminding voters of their free ways with public funds when election day rolls around.
Kleptocrats, accompanied by their kith and kin, are going because they cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense. The worst thing that could happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers. Many junketeers use military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour!
President Barroso said: Our two Commissions meet at a time when we have all been hit by the world economic downturn. This situation has shown how intertwined is the future of all the regions in the world. More than ever we need a strengthened partnership between our two continents. The European Commission remains strongly committed to Africa's growth and development. We want to re-energise the global effort on Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) and to give effective answers to the pressing challenges of food and water security, health and education. In this African Union's year of peace and security, our focus must also remain on what we can do to back African resolve to deal with conflicts. Africa is a continent of huge potential that needs to be untapped and the European Commission stands ready to support its quest.
Vatmonger Eurokleptocrats declare that Fourth Reich aid to Third World is a manifestation of Fourth Reich's benevolence! To whom vatbuster Basil Venitis replies: It's not yours to give! Antivenitist Eurokleptocrats cannot understand how much it hurts when a poor vatstruck Greek mother who cannot pay the rent and feed her children learns that the VAT money she pays goes to motherfucker cacodemon kleptocrats of Third World! Arafat's widow inherited two billion euros; that's Fourth Reich aid money Yasser Arafat stole from the Palestinian people! Most Fourth Reich aid money finds its way to the secret offshore accounts of kleptocrats and the laps of terrorists. This is Euromalevolence, pure and simple! Allons enfants de la Patrie!
The European and African Union Commissions are the central actors and key implementers of the Africa-EU Strategic Partnership adopted at the Lisbon Summit in 2007. The meeting in Addis Ababa will allow a discussion on the preparation of the next Africa-EU Summit to be held in 29-30 November 2010. The themes for discussion at the 3rd Africa-EU Summit will include Peace and Security; the Millennium Development Goals(MDGs); Climate Change and Energy; as well as Economic Growth and Africa's economic integration.
This is the 4th meeting of the Eldorado of Corruption and the African Union Commission since 2005; the last meeting was held in Brussels in October 2008. New Members of the EU Commission will be able to meet with their African counterparts for the first time. A major addition to this 2010 edition is the participation of African Regional Economic Communities(RECs), as key building blocks of Africa's regional and continental integration.
The European Commissioners participating in the junket are: Antonio Tajani, Vice-President for Industry and Entrepreneurship; Maros Sefccovic, Vice-President for Inter-Institutional Relations and Administration; Janez Potocnik, Environment; Andris Piebalgs, Development; Karel De Gucht, Trade; Kristalina Georgieva, International Cooperation, Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Response; Günther Oettinger, Energy; Connie Hedegaard, Climate Action; Stefan Fuele, Enlargement and European Neighbourhood Policy; and Dacian Ciolos, Agriculture and Rural Development.
Charlemagne's efforts to resurrect the Roman Empire have been succeeded over a millennium later by the multipronged armadas of Eurokleptocrats steadily enslaving Europe. Venitis muses from Charlemagne to charlatan! Barroso is not Charlemagne, but charlatan! He cannot stop Graecokleptocracy. Barroso's smile has become thin and helpless. From time to time, he loses his habitual fixed smile, and a gray veil seems to descend over his gypsy face. He has frequent nightmares of Graecokleptocrats robbing the Fourth Reich Cohesion Fund, the retirement funds of poor Greek workers, and the Greek Treasury.
These are tough times for Fourth Reich. And Barroso walking into the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, is a particularly difficult experience. Barroso has turned into a tragicomic figure, who cannot control Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth. Hardly anyone thinks highly of Barroso anymore, a fiasco who cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats, who get million-euro-kickbacks every single day and raid the nest eggs of all Greeks. Venitis points out all Europeans are now criticizing Barroso for being very soft on Graecokleptocrats. Fourth Reich is holding on to Barroso for reasons of convenience, and because the search for an alternative could lead to a greater spread of the cancer of socialism.
Zeus, the father of all Greek gods, fell madly in love with Europa, the daughter of a Phoenician king. When Zeus later realized that his beloved was doomed to pursue the path of an ordinary mortal, he named a continent after her and proclaimed Europa immortal, because the continent that has accepted her body shall bear her name for all time. Neverteless, there are reasons to be very worried about Europe, as it is as mortal as a Phoenician princess.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.
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pres.vaclavklaus προς euroliberty
προβολή λεπτομερειών 4:19 μ.μ. (Πριν από 19 ώρες)
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Προβολή εικόνων παρακάτω - Να γίνεται πάντοτε προβολή εικόνων από τον χρήστη pres.vaclavklaus@yahoo.com
I, Vaclav Klaus, President of the Czech Republic, have not rejoiced at the current problems in the eurozone because their consequences could be serious for all of us in Fourth Reich(EU), for members and non-members of the eurozone, for its supporters and its opponents. Even the enthusiastic propagandists of the euro suddenly speak about the potential collapse of the whole project now and it is us who say we have to look at it in a more structured way.
The term "collapse" has at least two meanings. The first is that the eurozone project has not succeeded in delivering the positive effects that had been rightly or wrongly expected from it. It was mistakenly and irresponsibly presented as an undisputable economic benefit to all the countries willing to give up their own "long treasured" currencies. Extensive studies that were published prior to the launch of the Fourthreichian single currency promised that the euro would help to accelerate economic growth and reduce inflation and stressed, in particular, that the member states of the eurozone would be protected against all kinds of external economic disruptions, the so-called exogenous shocks.
It is quite evident that this has not happened. After the establishment of the eurozone, the economic growth of its member states had even slowed down compared to the previous decades, thus increasing the gap between the rate of growth in the eurozone countries and that in other major economies – such as the United States and China, smaller economies in Southeast Asia and other parts of the developing world, as well as Central and Eastern Fourthreichian countries that are not members of the eurozone.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.
Economic growth in Fourth Reich has been slowing down since the 1960s thanks to the more and more damaging economic and social system which started dominating Europe at that time. The Fourthreichian "soziale Marktwirtschaft" is an unproductive variant of a welfare state, of state paternalism, of "leisure" society, of high taxes and low motivation to work. The existence of the euro has not reversed that trend. According to the Fourthreichian Central Bank, the average annual rate of growth in the eurozone countries was 3.4% in the 1970s, 2.4% in the 1980s, 2.2% in the 1990s and only 1.1% from 2001 to 2009 (the decade of the euro). A similar slowdown has not occurred anywhere else in the world (speaking about "normal" countries, e.g. countries without wars or revolutions).
Not even the expected convergence of the inflation rates has taken place. Two distinct groups have formed within the eurozone – one (including most of the countries of western and northern Fourth Reich, behaving like Germany) with a low inflation rate and one (including Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland) with a higher inflation rate. We have also seen an increase in long-term trade imbalances. There are countries where exports exceed imports and countries that lastingly import more than they export. It is no coincidence that the latter countries also have higher inflation. It has no connection with the world-wide crisis. This crisis "only" escalated and exposed long-time hidden economic problems, it did not cause them.
During its first 10 years, the eurozone has not led to any measurable homogenization of its member states' economies. The eurozone, which comprises 16 Fourthreichian countries, is not an "optimum currency area" as defined by the economic theory. We all know that. Even the former member of the Executive Board and Chief Economist of the Fourthreichian Central Bank Otmar Issing has repeatedly pointed out (most recently in a speech in Prague in December 2009) that the establishment of the eurozone was primarily a political, not an economic, decision. In such a situation, it is inevitable that the costs of establishing and maintaining it exceed its benefits.
My choice of the words "establishing" and "maintaining" is not accidental. Most economic commentators were satisfied by the ease and apparent inexpensiveness of the first step (the establishment of the common monetary area). This helped to form the impression that everything was fine with this project, which was a mistake at least some of us have been pointing out even before the existence of the euro.
The exchange rates of the countries joining the eurozone probably more or less reflected the economic reality at the time when the euro was born. However, over the last decade, the economic performance of eurozone countries diverged and the negative effects of the "straight-jacket" of a single currency have become more and more visible. When "good weather" (in the economic sense of the word) prevailed, no visible problems arose. Once the crisis (or "bad weather") arrived, the lack of homogeneity manifested itself very clearly. In that sense, I dare say that – as a project that promised to be of considerable economic benefit to its members – the eurozone has failed.
Another issue is the possible collapse of the eurozone as an institution, the demise of the euro. To that question, my answer is no, it will not collapse. So much political capital had been invested in its existence and in its role as a "cement" that binds Fourth Reich on its way to supra-nationality that in the foreseeable future the euro will surely not be abandoned.
It will continue, but at a very high price – the low economic growth. It will bring economic losses even to the non-members of the eurozone, like the Czech Republic.
The huge amount of money that Greece will receive can be divided by the number of the eurozone inhabitants and each person can calculate his or her own "contribution". However, the "opportunity" costs arising from a loss of a potentially higher growth rate, which is much more difficult for a non-economist to imagine, will be far more painful. Yet, I do not doubt that for political reasons this price will be paid and that the eurozone inhabitants will never find out just how much the euro truly cost them.
The European monetary union is not at risk of being abolished. The mechanism that will save it is the increasing volume of financial transfers that will have to be sent to eurozone countries suffering from the biggest economic and financial problems. Yet, everyone knows that sending massive financial transfers is possible only in a state and Fourth Reich, or the eurozone, is not a state. Only in a state there is a sufficient feeling of solidarity among its citizens. Only in a state – and the unified Germany in the 1990s is an excellent example – can massive financial transfers be justified and made politically viable. (By the way, the inter-German financial transfers in that era annually equaled the whole sum potentially needed for Greece to survive). Twenty years ago, I happened to be the minister of finance in a dissolving political – and monetary – union called Czechoslovakia. I have to confess that the country broke up because of the lack of mutual solidarity.
That is why Fourth Reich will have to decide whether to centralize itself politically as well. Fourthreichians don't want that because they know (or at least feel) that it would be to the detriment of liberty and prosperity. There is, however, a real danger that the politicians will do it anyway – behind the backs of those who elected them. And this is what bothers me most. The recent dealings in Fourth Reich headquarters in Brussels – literally behind the closed doors – about the aid package for Greece demonstrated that there is no democracy there. The German-French tandem made the decision on behalf of the rest of the eurozone countries and I am afraid this will continue.
It is evident that the euro – the Fourthreichian single currency – and the currently proposed measures to save the euro do not represent any "salvation" for the Fourthreichian economy. In the long run, it can be saved only by radical restructuring of the European economic and social system. My country made a velvet revolution and a radical transformation of its political, economic and social structure. Fifteen years ago, I was sometimes joking that after entering Fourth Reich we should start a velvet revolution there as well. Unfortunately, this ceases to be a joke now.
Venitis muses the Fourth Reich originates from the Red House Report, a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg, a couple of blocks from today's Eldorado of Prostitutes(EP), on August 10, 1944. There, Nazi officials instructed an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany's post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis' return to power, and work for a strong Fourth Reich. The three-page, closely typed report, marked Secret, copied by British spies and sent to the US Secretary of State, detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany's economy by sending money through Switzerland. They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad, wait until conditions were right, and then grab power with various hoodwinking treaties.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.
Venitis muses the hateful Lisbon Treaty was meant to address the question famously attributed to Henry Kissinger Who do I call if I want to speak to Europe? by instituting a permanent Fourth Reich Fuehrer and foreign minister and by streamlining Brussels' mammoth bureaucracy, but it has created more confusion than clarity, with no fewer than five people now sporting the title of Fuehrer of Fourth Reich. In reality, the real power is Chancellor Merkel. The driving ethos behind Fourth Reich's foreign policy power-grab is the idea that the nations of Fourth Reich will be stronger collectively than they are separately, but sovereignty cannot be traded for influence.
The Lisbon Treaty has created an institutional hydra with growing numbers of appendages responsible for different aspects of the foreign policy toolbox. Venitis points out that when Planetarch Obama asks to speak to the Fuehrer of Fourth Reich, he could be referencing one of six people: Herman van Rompuy, President of European Council; Durao Barroso, President of Eldorado of Corruption; Spanish Premier Zapatero, President of Consilium; Britain's Catherine Ashton, High Representative of Fourth Reich for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Jerzy Buzek, Madam of Eldorado of Prostitutes; German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
What had started as a regional customs union founded by France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy and West Germany in 1957 has been transformed since then into a political and economic confederation of 27 member States with more than half billion citizens, the so-called United States of Europe, with its own flag and anthem, and since 2002, a currency, as well as a parliament and a huge government bureaucracy in Brussels that oversee a massive economic powerhouse that generates an estimated 28 percent share of the nominal gross world product.
Charlemagne's efforts to resurrect the Roman Empire have been succeeded over a millennium later by the multipronged armadas of Eurokleptocrats steadily enslaving Europe. Venitis muses from Charlemagne to charlatan! Barroso is not Charlemagne, but charlatan! He cannot stop Graecokleptocracy. Barroso's smile has become thin and helpless. From time to time, he loses his habitual fixed smile, and a gray veil seems to descend over his gypsy face. He has frequent nightmares of Graecokleptocrats robbing the Fourth Reich Cohesion Fund, the retirement funds of poor Greek workers, and the Greek Treasury.
These are tough times for Fourth Reich. And Barroso walking into the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, is a particularly difficult experience. Barroso has turned into a tragicomic figure, who cannot control Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth. Hardly anyone thinks highly of Barroso anymore, a fiasco who cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats, who get million-euro-kickbacks every single day and raid the nest eggs of all Greeks. Venitis points out all Europeans are now criticizing Barroso for being very soft on Graecokleptocrats. Fourth Reich is holding on to Barroso for reasons of convenience, and because the search for an alternative could lead to a greater spread of the cancer of socialism.
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~**[kitchencabinetforum] COMMENCEMENT THEATER OF THE ABSURD Εισερχόμενα X
eurokitchencabinet προς kitchencabinet.
προβολή λεπτομερειών 4 Ιουν (Πριν από 1 ημέρες)
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Προβολή εικόνων παρακάτω - Να γίνεται πάντοτε προβολή εικόνων από τον χρήστη eurokitchencabinet@yahoo.com
June is the month of Commencements. Commencement is a Theater of the Absurd, a kabuki dance, in which degrees or diplomas are conferred upon graduating students. Very commonly, colleges invite kleptocrats, famous citizens, or other noted speakers to come and address the graduating class. But no speaker tells graduates the truth that they wasted the four most productive years of their lives for nothing!
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out uncollege is much better than college! We live in a world where information can be found online for just about anything. What can't be found online can be found in books, and what can't be found in books can be found through internships, jobs, and mentors. Do not waste your time with colleges and eggheads. There is a glut of college graduates in the labor market. Many of them move back home with their parents and take jobs that do not require a college degree.
The everybody-must-go-to-college doctrine is hardly a blessing. How many young people are delivering pizzas with a diploma on the wall and a big student loan keeping them up at night? It's true that the watered-down, increasingly worthless bachelor's degree today is expected for nearly every job, but let's not fool ourselves: For most grads it's little more than a signal to potential employers that they had the perseverance to get up early four years running and jump through all the required hoops. That tells a human-resources director enough about an applicant to separate him from a rival who didn't do those things. It doesn't say anything about what he knows or can do.
Many colleges offer instruction online. An increasing number of colleges, such as MIT, Yale, Stanford, UC Berkley, Oxford, and Cambridge, are placing course content, including lectures and instructional materials, online for free. There are many programs that allow students to earn college credits by studying and completing an exam remotely. Through these types of programs, a student can earn college credit through self-study at a fraction of the cost of a traditional college course.
Venitis asserts that college is very expensive. Total average tuition, room and board for a bachelor's degree is around $100,000. 80% of all students graduate with more than $30,000 in debt, and 40% say it will take them ten years to pay off their debt. College tuitions are so expensive specifically because the government has guaranteed student loans. Guaranteed loans don't mean more access to education, but rather that universities are free to charge more per pupil than if their customers were paying out-of-pocket.
Obama's plan only serves to remove more market forces and creates an even bigger moral hazard. Under the new rules, students will be required to repay a much smaller portion of what they borrow. As a result, students will be willing to borrow even greater amounts of cash to pay inflated tuitions, making it that much easier for colleges and universities to raise them.
Since the government will actually be loaning the money directly, rather than simply guaranteeing private-sector loans, the Treasury will actually have to borrow the money itself before it can relend it to students. The irony of going into debt to loan money never registers in Washington. As this bill will cause tuitions to rise even faster, it will necessitate even larger loans that will produce even greater taxpayer losses when the loans end in default.
More than half of college students require six or more years to finish their degree. Going to college requires commitment and dedication, and you'll need to be in it for the long haul. In order to graduate, you'll need to take some courses that are not relevant to your interests and passion. The average college freshman spends ten hours a week partying, eight hours a day engaged with media and technology, including games, cell phones, TV, and social networks, and only ten hours a week actually studying.
Students go to prestigious institutions because these schools have great reputations, which, in turn, allows students to get the best jobs. In other words, students who go to elite institutions want the faculty to concentrate on research and raising funds because that is how universities get the best reputations. Therefore, what students are purchasing is not an education, but prestige and reputation. Nevertheless, parents, students, and taxpayers should know where their money is actually going, and everyone should be concerned about the quality of education. If students at elite institutions do not get an effective education, but they do get to purchase prestige, our society will produce leaders, workers, and citizens who lack the basic skills and knowledge to be effective inside and outside of the workplace.
Most top presidents and self-made billionaires dropped out of high school or college! The list includes Bill Gates(Microsoft), Larry Page(Google), Michael Dell(Dell), David Geffen(Geffen Records), Steve Jobs(Apple), Richard Branson(Virgin), Ralph Lauren(Ralph Lauren), Jerry Yang(Yahoo) and Zuckerberg(Facebook). Zuckerberg and Gates went to Harvard. Page and Yang both attended Stanford. Jobs only completed one semester at Reed College in Portland, Oregon. Dell left the University of Texas at 19. Geffen dropped out of three universities before launching his record label. Lauren went to Baruch College in New York City, but left after two years. Branson, a mild dyslexic, never made it out of high school. Ford Motors founder, Henry Ford, never had any formal education, outside his training as a machinist.
The best colleges in the world today are the private colleges in America. The gulf between them and the state-funded colleges in equally rich countries such as France, Germany, Italy, Japan, or South Korea, where there are few private colleges of note, is so huge that the lesson cannot be avoided, colleges need independence to flourish. It is interesting that the intermediate group of colleges are those in Britain and Australia where colleges, though funded and over-regulated by the state, nonetheless retain significant autonomy.
Even Fourth Reich(EU) agrees, and the Commission reports that American colleges are better than Europe's, because European colleges generally have less to offer and lower financial resources than their equivalents in other developed countries, particularly USA. American colleges have far more substantial means than those of European colleges and better eggheads. The gap between the US and EU expenditure stems primarily from the low level of private funding of higher education in Fourth Reich.
Basil Venitis asserts the best college of Europe is Oxford University. Most of the present UK cabinet members are from Oxford: David Cameron, Theresa May, George Osborne, William Hague, Michael Gove, Chris Huhne, Danny Alexander, Dominic Grieve, Jeremy Hunt, Philip Hammond, David Willetts, George Young.
Venitis asserts that many European colleges violate academic freedom, the oxygen of new ideas. Academic freedom means that professors have unrestricted liberty to question and test any wisdom and to put forward controversial and unpopular opinions, whether or not these are deemed offensive, and that colleges have no right to curb the exercise of this freedom or to use it as grounds for disciplinary action or dismissal.
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~**[fireflyflash] ENDING A PROPAGANDA MISSION Εισερχόμενα X
eurofirefly προς fireflyflash
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Three planes carrying nearly 500 Gray Wolves from the Gaza aid flotilla arrived in Istanbul early on Thursday, and were welcomed by a crowd of Turcoterrorists, many of whom waved Palestinian flags and shouted antisemite slogans. The Gray Wolves had been held in Israel following Monday's raid on the Gaza-bound convoy of ships on a propaganda mission.
Basil Venitis points out Gray Wolves is the terrorist arm of the Turkish government. They are named after Asena, a female wolf in mythology associated with Turkic ethnic origins. The organization carried out many thousands of murders, especially in Cyprus. Gray Wolves have been responsible for numerous political assassinations and disappearances of human rights activists, and have ties with the Turkish mafia. Gray Wolf Mehmet Ali Agca attempted to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981.
When Israel ended its occupation of Gaza, it did not impose a blockade. Indeed it left behind agricultural facilities in the hope that the newly liberated Gaza Strip would become a peaceful and productive area. Instead Hamas seized control over Gaza and engaged in acts of warfare against Israel. These acts of warfare featured 10,000 rockets directed at Israeli civilians. This was not only an act of warfare, it was a war crime. Israel responded to the rockets by declaring a blockade, the purpose of which was to assure that no rockets, or other material that could be used for making war against Israeli civilians, was permitted into Gaza.
Israel allowed humanitarian aid through its checkpoints. Egypt as well participated in the blockade. There was never a humanitarian crisis in Gaza, merely a shortage of certain goods that would end if the rocket attacks ended. If there is no doubt that the offending ships have made a firm determination to break the blockade, then the blockade may be enforced before the offending ships cross the line into domestic waters. Israel faces hypocrisy and a biased rush to judgment.
Venitis asserts that Israel is a bastion of freedom and Graecoroman culture, an economic miracle, and a leader in science and technology. Israel is the only free country in a region dominated by Arab monarchies, theocracies and dictatorships. It is only the citizens of Israel, Arabs and Jews alike, who enjoy the right to express their views, to criticize their government, to form political parties, to publish private newspapers, to hold free elections.
When Islamists deny the most basic freedoms to their own people, it is obscene for them to start claiming that Israel is violating the Palestinians' rights. All Muslims who are genuinely concerned with human rights should, as their very first action, seek to oust their own despotic rulers and adopt the type of free society that characterizes Israel.
Land-for-peace is a repugnant formula for Israel's self-immolation. The right of a civilized nation to self-defense against its barbarous enemies is a moral absolute. It should not be surrendered in a vain attempt to appease the initiators of war. It is a moral perversion to demand that Israel give back the very land it captured in the process of defending itself against wars launched by the Arab aggressors.
A criminal has no right to protest the justice of having his guns confiscated by the police, and particularly not a criminal who continues to underwrite acts of crime. And the worst of the land-for-peace policy is that it caused Israel to give the Palestinians their own domain, with the job of protecting against terrorism entrusted terrorists.
Basil Venitis points out Koran is the Islamic Mein Kampf that incites Muslims to resort to violence. Koran calls for hatred, misogyny, polygyny, violence, submission, murder, and terrorism. Koran calls for Muslims to kill infidels, to terrorize infidels, and to fulfil their duty to wage war, the violent jihad. Jihad is a duty for every motherfucker Muslim ape, Islam is to rule the world by the sword. Koran is clearly antisemitic, describing Jews as monkeys and pigs.
Mohammed was a charlatan, a bipolar maniac, a warlord, a mass murderer, a pedophile, and a misogynist. Islamic tradition tells us how Mohammed had his enemies murdered and even had prisoners of war executed. Mohammed himself slaughtered the Jewish tribe of Banu Qurayza. Islam has no other morality than the advancement of Islam. If it is good for Islam, it is good. If it is bad for Islam, it is bad. There is no gray area or other side. Here is an emoticon of Mohammed with a lit bomb in his turban *-O)):-{>
Venitis asserts Islam is not a religion, but a satanic terrorist cacoculture. Sure, it has a grudge-collecting god, and an afterlife with 72 virgins for each martyr. But in its essence, Islam is a totalitarian ideology and sadomasochism. It is a system that lays down detailed rules for society and the life of every person. Islam wants to dictate every aspect of life. Islam means submission. Islam is not compatible with freedom and democracy, because what it strives for is the incivility of terrorist jihad and sharia.
Islamic totalitarianism is potentially far more dangerous than either the Nazi or Communist variety, since the latter, despite their exterminating follies, presupposed their own preservation. For the Nazi, the inferior race does not deserve to exist; for the Stalinist, a capitalist does not merit to continue living; for the Islamist, it is the world itself that does not deserve to exist. When someone tells you he is going to kill you, believe him.
Venitis demands Fourth Reich(EU) to understand and lock horns with an ideology, masquerading as a religion, and rein in Muslims who seek to turn Europe into Eurabia, a theocratic state run by Mullahs and those who wield the sword of Islam. Europe is under threat because European tolerance and European generosity towards those of other countries and cultures are being used by intolerant people, in order to promote intolerance. This is a weakness which can be exploited by them for only so long.
Violence and denial of human rights prevail in Islam. Practices such as stoning of adulterous women, beheadings, execution of apostates, honor killings, hanging of homosexuals, forced child marriages, female circumcision and other odious practices prevail to this day. There is a disgusting hypocritical political correctness relating to Islam that has enveloped Europe. Islam is the Trojan horse in Europe, and if we do not stop Islamification now, Eurabia will just be a matter of time.
Venitis notes that diapered Rubenesques, the Islamic zombies, show the misogyny of Islam. Europeans cannot tolerate the burqa, an outer garment covering a woman from head to toe, and the niqab, which veils the whole face except the eyes, as oppressive to women. The burqa confiscates a woman's existence, and it's a sign of enslavement and debasement. Those who wear it are victims, zombified by Islamofascists. EU favors banning this coffin for women's basic liberties. The burqa is proof of the presence of Muslim fundamentalists on Fourth Reich soil and of the politicization of Islam.
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~**[crystalclearforum] BUSAN JUNKET Εισερχόμενα X
crystalclearmemo προς crystalclearfo.
προβολή λεπτομερειών 4 Ιουν (Πριν από 1 ημέρες)
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Προβολή εικόνων παρακάτω - Να γίνεται πάντοτε προβολή εικόνων από τον χρήστη crystalclearmemo@yahoo.com
The Busan junket has started. Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocrats are often taking very expensive junkets, taking advantage of their positions and access to public funds to undertake pleasure trips thinly disguised as being of political importance. For example, a Eurokeptocrat might travel to Greece, claiming to attend a conference there, but leaving plenty of days to explore the Greek islands and Greek delights at leisure. Venitists target certain Eurokleptocrats for taking frequent junkets, reminding voters of their free ways with public funds when election day rolls around.
Kleptocrats, accompanied by their kith and kin, are going because they cannot miss a good party at taxpayers' expense. The worst thing that could happen in a junket is running out of caviar and hookers. Many junketeers use military jets that cost 10,000 euros per hour!
At Busan of South Korea, G20 finance kleptocrats will endorse efforts to mitigate eurozone's debt crisis but are far apart on the contentious issue of a global bank levy. The G20 is expected to end up endorsing general principles rather than a uniform set of remedies. The meeting in Busan will also try to thrash out an agreement ahead of the Toronto summit on how to tackle too big to fail banks.
As the health of much of the global economy weakens on a daily basis, political leadership increasingly ignores the source of the malady and instead focuses on short term band-aid remedies. These measures which may buy a few months, or years, of relative well being, will convince the public that problems have been solved and will thereby take pressure off governments to make the needed structural changes. The $1 trillion EU bailout is a perfect example of this band-aid approach. Napoleon Sarko threatened to pull out of eurozone, unless Merkel agreed to back the European Union's bailout plan!
The euro has been rescued for the moment, but Eurokleptocrats have thrown the foundations of Fourth Reich's common currency overboard with their unprecedented bailout package. In the longer term, the dangers of the crisis can only increase, and the flood of billions of euros will lead to inflation. Eurokleptocrats have thrown overboard all the noble principles and promises of the formal, tough treaty-based foundations for the introduction of the euro and the independence of the European Central Bank.
Eurokleptocrats sacrificed the independence of the European Central Bank and paved the way for a European Inflation Union. There won't be any state bankruptcies in the eurozone in the future. ECB will just purchase government bonds of the country in trouble. The money can't run out as ECB prints it itself. A flood of money like that can't continue without any consequences. The currency's stability will be undermined and inflation will destroy Fourth Reich.
ECB now purchases government bonds in emergencies. Not only has this been prohibited until now, it also contradicts the central bank's overarching goal, keeping the value of money stable. Now this taboo is broken, and the very foundations of eurozone are eroded. ECB's independence' has now been shown to be nothing more than a sham, a chimera, a will-o'-the-wisp. In the end, ECB and euro will be punished for this decision to stand down from what had previously been considered sacred.
This policy effectively makes ECB a bad bank, a bank that buys up toxic assets as a means of helping out other institutions, all protestations of its president to the contrary. The pile of junk bonds on the ECB's balance sheet continues to grow. The fact that the ECB is keeping prices artificially high is downright encouraging banks to unload their risky assets onto the central bank.
The European Central Bank has been buying up Greek bonds by the bucketload, even though Athens is already getting money from an EU rescue fund. There is a French plot behind the massive buy-up, as it gives French banks the perfect opportunity to get rid of their Greek assets. German banks, on the other hand, are not potential sellers, because they have made a voluntary commitment to Finance Minister Wolfgang Schaeuble to hold their Greek bonds until May 2013.
ECB is creating excess supply by buying at overinflated prices. In other words, many creditors are more inclined to sell their risky assets to the central bank under these terms. It's a free lunch. Anyone who doesn't take advantage of this opportunity to get rid of his securities now only has himself to blame.
Most crises are similar. There is a stage of boom and bubble before the bust and the crash. People will see the value of certain assets like homes or equity go up, then they will use these assets as a collateral for borrowing too much and therefore you have a build-up of leverage in the financial system. And then, once the bubble goes bust, the value of the assets falls and people are stuck with all this debt they can't repay.
European Central Bank President Jean-Claude Trichet calls for more effective sanctions against countries violating eurozone's Stability and Growth Pact. Trichet plays kangaroo, calling for a quantum leap of mutual control among eurozone governments. ECB sould not be listening to recommendations from Eurokleptocrats.
Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out kleptocrats are creating zombie banks and companies that are kept alive artificially. We started with a too-big-to-fail problem, and part of the policy response to the crisis has been even more financial consolidation. JP Morgan took over Bear Stearns and Bank of America took over Merrill Lynch. What we have now is financial institutions that are even bigger. Those institutions, even more then before, know if they do something very risky, something reckless, they will be bailed out again.
The Federal Reserve refuses to give a public accounting of the trillions in recent taxpayer-backed loans. Congress has the responsibility to force a public audit of the Federal Reserve, and the American people deserve to know how their tax dollars are being spent. Allowing the Fed to remain out of control and shrouded in secrecy clearly allows for abuse and the continued stealing of our tax dollars through inflation and unaccounted electronic bank loans.
The Federal Reserve's abuses lead to constant economic crises like the current housing crisis, international banking crisis and the resulting chaos. The Federal Reserve System forces fuel, food, housing, medical care and education costs upward, meaning that everyone who is not on the government dole is forced to make do with less as the value of money slowly decreases. History shows us that riots, violence and full-scale police states can result when people finally realize fiat money isn't worth the paper it's printed on and refuse to accept it.
There is no suggestion that interest rate swaps, the largest category of OTC financial derivatives, or foreign exchange swaps played any role in the financial meltdown. Yet the kleptocrats' proposals extend regulatory rules for futures to these bank-based products. Wantonly extending futures regulation to swaps applies the wrong tool in the wrong application. The result would be ineffective regulation damaging everything involved.
Individuals and banks should be free to choose what money they use. This is an especially controversial, but absolutely essential, component of a truly free society. The government may not force us to use infinitely-inflatable, green pieces of paper. Historically, when left free from government-dictated currency, the overwhelming choice of individuals has been gold money — which has objective value, a stable quantity, and other qualities that make it an excellent form of money. Interest rates on a gold standard are set by supply and demand in the marketplace; there should be no governmental manipulation of interest rates, and thus no ability of the Federal Reserve to create massive bubbles such as the dot-com and housing bubbles.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out that since its inception in 1913, the Federal Reserve has helped to devalue the dollar by 96%. During the recent economic crisis, it has poured trillions of dollars into the economy with no oversight, made secret agreements with foreign banks and governments, and has refused to tell Congress who is getting the money or to give it the details of what deals are being made. We demand full transparency from the central banks.
Play misty to me! Central banks play a confidence game with us. A confidence game is defined as an attempt to defraud a person or group by gaining their confidence. The victim is known as the mark, the trickster is called a confidence man, and any accomplices are known as shills. Confidence men exploit human characteristics such as greed, vanity, honesty, compassion, credulity, and naivete. The common factor is that the mark relies on the good faith of the confidence man.
Central bank's mission to instill confidence in us about the economy while simultaneously instilling confidence in us about the abilities of the central bank itself. Central bankers are almost always publically bullish and hardly ever publically bearish about the economy. The economy always looks good, if not great. If there are some problems, don't worry, the Fed will come to the rescue with truckloads of money, lower interest rates, and easy credit. If things were to get worse, which they won't, the Fed would be able to respond with monetary weapons of mass stimulation.
Central bankers are the people who said that there was no housing bubble, that there was no danger of financial crisis, and then that a financial crisis would not impact the real economy. These are the same people who said they needed a multitrillion dollar bailout of the financial industry, or we would get severe trouble in the economy. They got their bailout, and we got the severe trouble anyways. It is time to bring this game, this confidence game, to an end.
Venitis notes that central bank's artificial creation of credit is the culprit in the business cycle. As the boom turns into bust, the economy tries to readjust itself into a configuration that conforms to consumer preferences. That is why it is so essential for government to stay entirely out of the adjustment process, because arbitrary government behavior can only delay this necessary and healthy process.
Wages and prices need to be free to fluctuate, so labor and other resources can be swiftly shifted away from bloated, bubble sectors of the economy and into sustainable sectors of the economy where consumers want them. Bailouts obstruct that process by preventing the reallocation of capital into the hands of firms that genuinely cater to consumer demand, and by propping up instead those firms that have deployed resources in ways that do not conform to consumer preferences. Fiscal and monetary stimulus do nothing to address the imbalances in the economy, and indeed only perpetuate them.
There has been much discussion of moral hazard in connection with the flurry of bailouts that began in 2008. Moral hazard refers to people's readiness to act with an artificially elevated level of risk tolerance because they believe that any losses they may incur will be borne by other people. Hence the bailouts will tend to make major market actors even less likely to behave prudently in the future, since if they believe they are likely to be considered too big to fail, they have more reason than ever to believe that they will not be allowed to go out of business, and therefore that they may continue to make risky bets.
Venitis asserts the very existence of a central bank such as the Federal Reserve and ECB aggravates, indeed institutionalizes, moral hazard. Since there is no physical limitation on the creation of paper money, firms know that no natural constraint exists on the power of the central bank to bail them out of any serious trouble. The Central Put is the implied promise that the central bank would intervene to assist the financial sector in the event of a serious downturn. No one has a right to be surprised when market actors behave accordingly.
Everybody's money income is somebody else's cost. In the case of the stupidus stimulus, the administration paid for it through taxation, borrowing, and printing new money. With all three methods the net result was that someone was made better off but only at the expense of someone else. When the government forced up the minimum wage, there was no added amount of production to offset the increase in business costs. Instead, we have seen a record level of teenage unemployment.
Corpfare is corporate welfare, such as subsidies, bailouts, and monopolies, granted by government to davajides, pimps of kleptocrats. Corpfare destroys the level playing field that free markets depend on, creates a corrupt relationship between government authority and special interests, transforms corps to corpses, and is unconstitutional. Even loans by government-sponsored entities constitute another form of subsidy. Zombiecorps, zombie corporations, badly in need of structural reform, but kept alive by state subsidies, badly hamper growth. Basil Venitis figures that at least four trillion euros are wasted on corpfare worldwide every year.
Whenever government tries to force up wages, real purchasing power falls. That is because the negative effects, which are unavoidable when such policies are implemented, will always outweigh the positive effects. While money wages might increase for some people, government has forced up business costs, so less is produced. Consumption ultimately is made possible by more production.
Central banks can't really become insolvent in a strict sense, since they can always print money. The anxiety then becomes the ability of the monetary authorities to tighten their purse strings in time to prevent spikes in inflation and interest rates. The longer the banking crisis and the sovereign crisis last, the more likely we will get a crisis of confidence in the central banks who act as lenders of last resort to banks and governments.
Financial and fiscal stability concerns will make it difficult for central banks to aggressively fight inflation pressures once they emerge. The European Central Bank is just the latest victim, the sovereign and banking crises have forced it into actions that threaten to undermine its credibility over time. The gold price and exchange rates have already been signaling a loss of confidence in the value of fiat money for some time.
Central banks can go broke and have done so historically. Central bank insolvency may become an issue again, if central banks were to assume too many foreign-currency denominated liabilities in an attempt to support or bail out private banks and other financial institutions deemed to be too large or too interconnected to fail.
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προβολή λεπτομερειών 3 Ιουν (Πριν από2 ημέρες)
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Προβολή εικόνων παρακάτω - Να γίνεται πάντοτε προβολή εικόνων από τον χρήστη globaltaxrevolt@yahoo.com
Fourth Reich's kleptocracy, addiction to big government, unaffordable entitlements, and cradle-to-grave welfare bring the cancer of socialism. Eurokleptocrats are losing control of a spiraling debt crisis across Fourth Reich(EU). The Greek contagion has now infected Spain, Portugal, Italy, Ireland, and Britain. Tensions are becoming visible between eurozone members with differing levels of debt.
As part of its obstructive work on pseudopreventing a future financial crisis and deteriorating the financial system, the European Commission, aka Eldorado of Corruption, has today put forward stupid amendments to the Fourth Reich rules on Credit Rating Agencies(CRAs) and launched a public consultation on reforming corporate governance in financial institutions.
Furthermore, in order to advance recklessly in completing unnecessary reforms to ensure a pseudosafe and pseudostable financial system in Fourth Reich, the Eldorado of Corruption has adopted a stupider Communication where it commits itself to table the remaining financial reform proposals in the next six to nine months from now.
It was neither CRAs nor speculators that caused Fourth Reich's existential crisis. Eurokleptocrats share all responsibility. They have been either unwilling or incapable of doing their jobs. When the financial institutions began to wobble in the autumn of 2008, with some collapsing and taking others with them, meltdown fear swept through the corridors of power. Eurokleptocrats gathered at Brussels, where they applied Band-Aids to a severely wounded financial sector using trillions of euros of taxpayers' money and promised to stabilize the fragile European system for all eternity.
Following discussion and hopefully strong support from all heads of State and government at the forthcoming European Council, the Eldorado of Corruption will present all these stupid proposals, together with its recent ideas on bank resolution funds, at the G-20 Summit in Toronto on 26-27 June 2010. On CRAs, the Eldorado of Corruption has two main objectives: ensuring efficient and centralised supervision at European level, and increased pseudotransparency on the entities requesting the ratings so that all agencies have access to the same information.
These changes would not improve supervision, increase bureacracy in the CRA market and will not improve investor protection. On corporate governance, the Eldorado of Corruption has launched a public consultation on a number of issues including how to manage risk more effectively in financial institutions and how to empower shareholders. The deadline for responses is 1 September 2010.
To complement this stupid package of proposals, the Eldorado of Corruption has also published two reports on how Member States have put into practice the Eldorado of Corruption's two stupid Recommendations of 2009 on remuneration policies in the financial services sector and for directors of listed companies. In both cases, progress has been made but a significant number of Member States have yet to implement the Recommendations fully.
Basil Venitis, twitter.com/Venitis, points out Eurokleptocracy, gigaregulation, Antitrust Armageddon, and gigataxation, especially VAT, are the real causes of the European financial meltdown. Democracy in Fourth Reich(EU) has deteriorated to kleptocracy, and Fourthreichians, aka Europeans, are mad as hell. Eurokleptocracy thrives on waste, fraud, abuse,and kickbacks. European Union(EU), aka Fourth Reich, an illegal unvoted confederation, condones the European Commission(EC), aka Eldorado of Corruption, the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, and Graecokleptocrats, the most corrupt politicians on Earth.
The one trillion dollars stability package suffers from the same problem as all the other ones Fourth Reich has come up since the Greek crisis started rattling the markets: It tries to fix the symptoms, not the causes. The causes are kleptocracy, overregulation, nepotism, VAT, and socialism.
Fourth Reich originates from the Red House Report, a detailed account of a secret meeting at the Maison Rouge Hotel in Strasbourg, a couple of blocks from today's Eldorado of Prostitutes(EP), on August 10, 1944. There, Nazi officials instructed an elite group of German industrialists to plan for Germany's post-war recovery, prepare for the Nazis' return to power, and work for a strong Fourth Reich. The three-page, closely typed report, marked Secret, copied by British spies and sent to the US Secretary of State, detailed how the industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany's economy by sending money through Switzerland. They would set up a network of secret front companies abroad, wait until conditions were right, and then grab power with various hoodwinking treaties.
Venitis muses the hateful Lisbon Treaty was meant to address the question famously attributed to Henry Kissinger Who do I call if I want to speak to Europe? by instituting a permanent Fourth Reich Fuehrer and foreign minister and by streamlining Brussels' mammoth bureaucracy, but it has created more confusion than clarity, with no fewer than five people now sporting the title of Fuehrer of Fourth Reich. In reality, the real power is Chancellor Merkel. The driving ethos behind Fourth Reich's foreign policy power-grab is the idea that the nations of Fourth Reich will be stronger collectively than they are separately, but sovereignty cannot be traded for influence.
The Lisbon Treaty has created an institutional hydra with growing numbers of appendages responsible for different aspects of the foreign policy toolbox. Venitis points out that when Planetarch Obama asks to speak to the Fuehrer of Fourth Reich, he could be referencing one of six people: Herman van Rompuy, President of European Council; Durao Barroso, President of Eldorado of Corruption; Spanish Premier Zapatero, President of Consilium; Britain's Catherine Ashton, High Representative of Fourth Reich for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy; Jerzy Buzek, Madam of Eldorado of Prostitutes; German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
What had started as a regional customs union founded by France, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, Italy and West Germany in 1957 has been transformed since then into a political and economic confederation of 27 member States with more than half billion citizens, the so-called United States of Europe, with its own flag and anthem, and since 2002, a currency, as well as a parliament and a huge government bureaucracy in Brussels that oversee a massive economic powerhouse that generates an estimated 28 percent share of the nominal gross world product.
Charlemagne's efforts to resurrect the Roman Empire have been succeeded over a millennium later by the multipronged armadas of Eurokleptocrats steadily enslaving Europe. Venitis muses from Charlemagne to charlatan! Barroso is not Charlemagne, but charlatan! He cannot stop Graecokleptocracy. Barroso's smile has become thin and helpless. From time to time, he loses his habitual fixed smile, and a gray veil seems to descend over his gypsy face. He has frequent nightmares of Graecokleptocrats robbing the Fourth Reich Cohesion Fund, the retirement funds of poor Greek workers, and the Greek Treasury.
These are tough times for Fourth Reich. And Barroso walking into the European Parliament(EP), aka Eldorado of Prostitutes, is a particularly difficult experience. Barroso has turned into a tragicomic figure, who cannot control Greece, the most corrupt country on Earth. Hardly anyone thinks highly of Barroso anymore, a fiasco who cannot rein in Graecokleptocrats, who get million-euro-kickbacks every single day and raid the nest eggs of all Greeks. Venitis points out all Europeans are now criticizing Barroso for being very soft on Graecokleptocrats. Fourth Reich is holding on to Barroso for reasons of convenience, and because the search for an alternative could lead to a greater spread of the cancer of socialism.
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~**Αδούλωτη Κερύνεια : Να γίνει το μεγάλο βήμα Εισερχόμενα X
cana@cyprusactionnetwork.org προς Εμένα
προβολή λεπτομερειών 30 Μαϊ (Πριν από6 ημέρες)
Αδούλωτη Κερύνεια : Να γίνει το μεγάλο βήμα
Το Προσφυγικό Σωματείο σημειώνει ότι η απουσία του φέτος από το συνέδριο της ΠΣΕΚΑ οφείλεται μάλλον σε προετοιμασία του Σωματείου για αποστολή στην Ευρωπαική Ένωση γιατί ποτέ δεν απέχει από οποιοδήποτε φόρουμ διότι διαφωνεί. Και διατυπώνει την άποψη ότι και οι της ΠΣΕΚΑ συμφωνούν με τις θέσεις της γι΄αυτό πρέπει να γίνει το μεγάλο βήμα να διατυπωθούν ξεκάθαρα οι αντιθέσεις προς την Κυπριακή Κυβέρνηση με στόχο να πεισθεί να αλλάξει πολιτική.
"Η Αδούλωτη Κερύνεια συμμετέχει στα Συνέδρια της ΠΣΕΚΑ μεταφέροντας τη γνήσια Κερυνειώτικη φωνή και τις πάγιες θέσεις του Σωματείου μας. Ποτέ δεν απέχουμε από οποιοδήποτε φόρουμ διότι διαφωνούμε. Αντίθετα θέλουμε να είμαστε παρόντες σε τέτοια φόρουμ. Φέτος δεν συμμετείχαμε διότι ευρισκόμαστε σε προετοιμασία για αποστολή στην Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση. Εμείς είμαστε βέβαιοι ότι και οι της ΠΣΕΚΑ συμφωνούν με τις θέσεις μας και πρέπει να γίνει το μεγάλο βήμα να διατυπωθούν ξεκάθαρα οι αντιθέσεις προς την Κυπριακή Κυβέρνηση με στόχο να πεισθεί να αλλάξει πολιτική".
΄Ισως να έχει δίκαιο η Αδούλωτη Κερύνεια και οι της ΠΣΕΚΑ να συμφωνούν με τις αντιδιζωνικές θέσεις της, όμως δεν τις ακούμε. Δεν κάνουν αυτές οι φωνές το μεγάλο βήμα για να πεισθεί η κυπριακή κυβέρνηση να αλλάξει πολιτική. Η απάντηση ήλθε με το κύριο άρθρο της εφημερίδας Σημερινή.
Πάντως κάποτε ο πρόεδρος της ΠΣΕΚΑ κ. Φίλιπ Κρίστοφερ είχε κάνει κάποιες σημαντικές δηλώσεις προς αυτή τη κατεύθυνση. Αλλά έκτοτε πέρασαν 16 χρόνια και φθάσαμε σήμερα ο νυν κυβερνητικός εκπρόσωπος να κάνει τις δηλώσεις που έκανε στο πρόσφατο συνέδριο της ΠΣΕΚΑ στις ΗΠΑ και να παίρνει απάντηση από την Σημερινή στην Κύπρο. Τις μεταφέρω από το αρχείο μου, και από την σελίδα 252 του αγγλικού μου βιβλίου «ConspiracyorBlunder?» που εκδόθηκε to 2000 από το Σωματείο «Αδούλωτη Κερύνεια».
Στις 29 Αυγούστου 1994 ο κ. Φίλιπ Κρίστοφερ έκανε τις πιο κάτω ΑΝΤΙΔΙΖΩΝΙΚΕΣ δηλώσεις κατά την διάρκεια του ετήσιου Συνεδρίου Αποδήμων στην Λευκωσία:
«… We have failed due to the fallacies, of the fallacies of the Cyprus Governments of the past 20 years. Unfortunately the fallacies of the past 20 years have presented an image of a bicommunal problem and in all honesty created a vision of an unworkable unattainable solution. We hear words like Bicommunal, Federation, by-Federation, Confederation and others. We have confused our own organisations and our own people and other human rights activists with unnecessary dialogues, unnecessary guidelines and indexes and recently with Confidence Building Measures. We should return to the problem, back to the basic. Invasion and Occupation. It is a human rights issue and it is one that people can understand and clearly support…”
Ορθά τα είπε τότε ο κ. Κρίστοφερ. Περιμένουμε όμως ακόμα να πάμε πίσω στα βασικά. Back to basics, back to the Turkish invasion and continued occupation. Yes, to the human rights issue one that everybody understands and clearly ought to support us. Provided WE ARE THE FIRST ONES TO DEMAND IT. WHEN?
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Kostoulas VassilisJune 4, 2010 at 1:09am
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Hlias LiberopoulosJune 5, 2010 at 10:48am
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Hlias LiberopoulosJune 4, 2010 at 10:44pm
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Μέρος 3ο
| ΠερισσότεραΟ Θεός πάντοτε επιτρέπει να δοκιμασθή ο άνθρωπος όσο αντέχει, αλλά προστίθενται και οι κοροϊδίες των ανθρώπων, οπότε κάμπτεται η ψυχή από το επιπλέον βάρος και γογγύζει.
Τους τρελλούς οι άνθρωποι τους αποτρελλαίνουν. Στην αρχή η τρέλλα οικονομιέται. Παλιά δεν υπήρχαν ψυχιατρεία και, αν ήταν κανείς τρελλός, τον έκλειναν σε κάποιο δωμάτιο με σιδεριές! Ήταν μια. Περαιτέρω την έλεγαν, που την είχαν κλεισμένη στο σπίτι! Τα παιδιά την πετροβολούσαν, την κορόιδευαν. Αγρίευε η φουκαριάρα, έπιανε τις σιδεριές, φώναζε και ό,τι έβρισκε μπροστά της το πετούσε έξω! Στην άλλη ζωή όμως θα δης η Περιστέρω να ξεπερνάη πολλές γνωστικές.
Θυμάμαι και μια άλλη περίπτωση.
Ήταν μια οικογένεια που η μεγάλη κόρη τους ήταν λίγο λειψή, αλλά είχε πολλή καλωσύνη. Ήταν σαράντα ετών, αλλά ήταν σαν πέντε. Τι σκηνές της έκαναν μικροί-μεγάλοι! Μια φορά την άφησαν οι γονείς της να μαγειρέψη κι εκείνοι πήγαν στο χωράφι. Θα ερχόταν ο αδελφός της από το χωράφι, για να φέρη τα καλαμπόκια, και θα έπαιρνε το φαγητό να το πάη στο χωράφι να φάνε οι γονείς τους και οι εργάτες.
Μάζεψε η καημένη από τον κήπο κολοκυθάκια, μελιτζάνες, φασολάκια και τα είχε έτοιμα να τα μαγειρέψη. Πάει η μικρότερη αδελφή της, που ήταν σωστός πειρασμός, τραβάει τον γάιδαρο από το αυτί και τον βάζει και τα τρώει όλα! Άντε μετά η καημένη να πάη να μαζέψη άλλα. Και δεν είπε τίποτε. Μέχρι να τα ετοιμάση ξανά, ήρθε ο αδελφός της, και αυτή μόλις τότε έβαζε φαγητό στην φωτιά. Ξεφόρτωσε τα ζώα και, όταν είδε ότι δεν ήταν έτοιμο το φαγητό, της έδωσε ένα ξύλο! Τι ταλαιπωρία περνούσε κάθε μέρα! Η μάνα της η φουκαριάρα παρακαλούσε να πεθάνη πρώτα η κόρη της και μετά αυτή, γιατί σκεφτόταν ποιος θα την φρόντιζε. Και πράγματι, πέθανε πρώτα η κόρη και ύστερα η μάνα.
Πάντως, αυτοί που δεν είναι καλά στο μυαλό, είναι καλύτερα από πολλούς άλλους. Έχουν το ακαταλόγιστο και χωρίς εξετάσεις περνούν στην άλλη ζωή.
Πηγή:΄΄Οι δοκιμασίες στην ζωή μας΄΄
2002 .-
~**Γεια σου Stamatios,
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